15+ Easter Addition Worksheets | Free Printable

Our collection of Easter-themed addition worksheets helps first-graders learn necessary mathematical skills. Students can use our free printable worksheets to practice simple addition problems.

Solving Horizontal Easter Addition Problems Worksheets

Solving Horizontal Easter Addition Problems Worksheets

This set of worksheets contains Easter-themed horizontal addition problems. Add the numbers horizontally and write the correct answer in the given space.

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Practicing Vertical Easter Addition Worksheets

Practicing Vertical Easter Addition Worksheets

These worksheets consist of Easter-themed vertical addition problems. Students will solve each problem and write the correct answer in the blank space.

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Counting Easter Eggs and Finding Addition Worksheets

Counting Easter Eggs and Finding Addition Worksheets

Several incomplete addition problems have been provided in these worksheets. Count the number of Easter eggs in each frame to find the total number of eggs.

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Solving Cut and Paste Easter Addition Activity Worksheets

Solving Cut and Paste Easter Addition Activity Worksheets

Some addition problems have been given in this worksheet. Students will solve the problems and match the results with the numbers on the Easter eggs. They will cut and paste the Easter eggs in the correct space.

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Coloring by Easter Addition Worksheets

Coloring by Easter Addition Worksheets

These worksheets contain addition problems that must be solved through coloring. Students will solve the problems and color the empty spaces using the provided color key.

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Identifying Easter Addition and Finding Easter Eggs Worksheets

Identifying Easter Addition and Finding Easter Eggs Worksheets

In this activity, students will solve an addition problem each step of the bunny’s way. Complete the path to help the bunny reach his basket of Easter eggs.

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Our free Easter-themed addition worksheets provide a fun and interactive way for students to practice their adding skills. Through coloring pages, solving incomplete sentences, and counting exercises featuring Easter objects, first-graders can enjoy practicing math while improving their abilities.

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