18 Interactive Money Word Problems 1st Grade Worksheets

Practicing worksheets focusing on money is the best way to learn and speed up skills for counting money. Our worksheets on money word problems for 1st graders will help them solve real-world money-counting problems. Moreover, these worksheets will improve their basic mathematical skills.

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Money Word Problems 1st Grade

Convert Coins and Bills to Cents

Coins and bills are written in word form in each question of the three worksheets. After counting and converting them into cents, students of grade 1 need to write the amounts in the blank spaces.

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Money Word Problems 1st Grade

Addition Word Problems

These worksheets for the 1st grade have some addition word problems on coins and bills. Students will calculate and write the sum in the blanks.

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Money Word Problems 1st Grade

Subtraction Word Problems

Each worksheet has six subtraction word problems of money for 1st grade. Students will calculate and write the answers in the blanks.

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Money Word Problems 1st Grade

Counting Coins and Bills

Students need to read each question and answer them correctly in the provided spaces.

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Money Word Problems 1st Grade

Restaurant Bill Calculation

Look at the menu located at the top of each worksheet. Read the questions and write the total bill in the given space in three worksheets.

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Calculating Change Word Problems

Here are some word problems for calculating change. After counting dimes in every box of the three worksheets, students will choose the correct answers.

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