These free printable worksheets feature whole part and part word problems on addition for first-graders. Practicing these worksheets helps students better understand the principles of the number system.

Addition Word Problems to Solve the Number Bonds to 10
These worksheets contain some word problems on addition within 10. Students must read the word problems and complete the number bonds. An example has been provided.
Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2 Worksheet 3Addition Word Problems to Solve the Number Bonds to 20
This section is similar to the previous one, except that these word problems are on addition within 20. Students must solve the problems to complete the number bonds.
Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2 Worksheet 3Addition Word Problems to Solve the Rectangle Shaped boxes
In this activity, students will carefully read the word problems and fill in the boxes with the correct answers.
Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2 Worksheet 3Solve the Word Problems to Write the Equations
In this set of worksheets, some word problems are given with incomplete addition sentences. Students will solve the problems and complete the addition sentences with the correct answers.
Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2 Worksheet 3Our collection of printable worksheets of whole part and part word problems on addition offers a comprehensive approach to understanding the concept. With exercises featuring number bonds up to 10 and 20, rectangles, and incomplete equations, first-graders can strengthen their adding skills effectively.