We offer free two digit addition with regrouping coloring worksheets to support your child’s fundamental addition skills. These free worksheets can help first-graders improve their basic mathematical abilities.

Spring Coloring Two Digit Addition with Regrouping Worksheets
This worksheet has some problems with two-digit addition with regrouping coloring worksheets. Add the numbers and identify the answers with the given color codes. Then color the spring theme-based pictures using color codes.
Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2 Worksheet 3Winter Coloring Two Digit Addition with Regrouping Worksheets
There are multiple problems with two-digit addition in this coloring exercise that involves regrouping. Add up the numbers and use the provided color codes to identify the answers. Next, use color codes to add color to the images based on the winter theme.
Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2 Worksheet 3Coloring Two Digit Addition with Regrouping Using Thanksgiving Theme Worksheets
A few 2-digit addition problems with regrouping are given on the worksheets. The color codes are also given for each sum. Color the Thanksgiving theme-based pictures using color codes.
Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2 Worksheet 3Coloring Animals by Two Digit Addition with Regrouping Worksheets
These worksheets are based on animal coloring addition with regrouping problems. Add the numbers and identify the answers with the given color codes. Then color the pictures using color codes.
Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2 Worksheet 3We finished the two digit addition with regrouping coloring worksheets by using the spring, winter, animals, Thanksgiving, etc. theme-based concepts. Download our free printable worksheets to improve kids’ addition skills with regrouping.