30 Free Count and Circle the Correct Number Worksheet

Our students will visualize and understand the number system and count them correctly with these free count and circle the correct number worksheets. First-grade students will learn and improve their basic counting skills with our free printable circle the correct number worksheets.

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Count and Circle the Correct Number up to 5 with Two Choices Worksheet

Count and Circle the Correct Number up to 5 with Two Choices Worksheet

There are different objects up to five, with two numbers. Students will count these objects carefully and choose the correct number from two choices. Finally, they have to circle the number.

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Count and Circle the Correct Number up to 5 with Three Choices Worksheet

Count and Circle the Correct Number up to 5 with Three Choices Worksheet

There are different objects up to five and three numbers beside them. Students will count these objects carefully and choose the correct number from three choices. And finally, they have to circle the number.

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Count and Circle the Correct Number up to 10 with Three Choices Worksheet

Count and Circle the Correct Number up to 10 with Three Choices Worksheet

There are different objects up to ten, with three numbers. Students will count these objects carefully and choose the correct number from three choices. Finally, they have to circle the number carefully.

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Count and Circle the Correct Number up to 20 with Three Choices Worksheet

Count and Circle the Correct Number up to 20 with Three Choices Worksheet

There are different objects up to twenty, with three choices. Students will count these objects properly and choose the correct number. Lastly, they have to circle the correct number carefully.

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Count and Circle the Correct Number up to 50 with Three Choices Worksheet

Count and Circle the Correct Number up to 50 with Three Choices Worksheet

There are different objects with three options. Students will count these objects properly and choose the correct number from these three options. And also, they have to circle the number carefully.

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Color, Count, and Circle the Correct Number up to 10

Color, Count, and Circle the Correct Number up to 10

There are some objects with different segments. Students will color different segments with different colors and count the segments. After coloring and counting, they have to circle the correct number.

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Count and Circle the Correct Number with Ten Frame

Count and Circle the Correct Number with Ten Frame

Students will count the dots in ten frames. After counting these dots correctly, they have to circle their number from three choices.

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Count and Circle the Correct Number To Complete Path Worksheet

Count and Circle the Correct Number To Complete Path Worksheet

Here, students will count the objects from the starting point and choose the correct one to circle. Then they jump into another box by following the path. Then count the objects, and choose the correct one to circle the number. They have to continue the process to complete the path and go to the finish point.

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Count and Circle the Correct Number with Four Choices Worksheet

Count and Circle the Correct Number with Four Choices Worksheet

Students will count the objects and circle the correct number from the four choices.

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Count and Circle the Correct Number After Addition Worksheet

Count and Circle the Correct Number After Addition Worksheet

Here, students will count and add the objects. Then they have to choose the correct number from the three options and circle the correct number to complete the task.

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So today, we’ve discussed the count and circle the correct number worksheet using the concepts of count and circle with two options, three options, four options, ten frames, color, and additions. Download our free worksheets, and after practicing these worksheets, students will surely improve their fundamental mathematical skills and learn to count very fluently and choose correctly.

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