9 Free Comparing Weight Worksheet

Our comparing weight worksheet can help you to compare weights and determine the heaviest and lightest objects. In addition to helping first graders, our free printable comparing weight worksheet will help them reinforce their understanding of the fundamentals of the weighting system and have a clear idea of the comparison of objects.

Use Symbols to Compare Weights

Use Symbols to Compare Weights

Each worksheet provides twenty problems. Use symbols like >, <, and = to compare weights in the statements.

Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2 Worksheet 3

Circling the Numbers and Comparing Weight

Circling the Numbers and Comparing Weight

Compare the weights and circle the numbers as directed in each problem of a worksheet. You will find twenty problems in each worksheet.

Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2 Worksheet 3

Comparing Weight by Using a Scale

Comparing Weight by Using a Scale

A worksheet contains six problems with weighting scales. Use the scale and compare the weights in the problems.

Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2 Worksheet 3

So today, the worksheets attached to this article show methods of comparing weights using symbols, circling the numbers, and using a scale. By practicing the comparing weight worksheet, your first-grade students will learn the weighting system. This will help them to make more sophisticated decisions in their regular life.

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