25+ Worksheets Counting Pennies | Free Printables

Our worksheets help students improve their ability to count pennies as well as perform basic arithmetic operations with money. With the help of our free printable worksheets, first-graders will learn the basics of math and counting concepts.

Counting Pennies and Writing Correct Amount Worksheet

Counting Pennies and Writing the Correct Amount

Students must count pennies and write the total amount in each part.

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Counting Pennies Cut and Paste Worksheet

Counting Pennies with Cut and Paste Activity

Students have to count pennies in each box, then cut out the number values at the bottom and paste them into the correct empty box above.

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Counting and Circling Correct Amount of Pennies Worksheet

Counting and Circling Correct Amount of Pennies

First-graders must count the number of pennies in each box and then circle the correct amount of pennies.

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Pennies Count and Match Worksheet

Count and Match Pennies Worksheet

Grade 1 students have to count the pennies in each box and then match the prices of the objects.

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Finding Number and Amount of Pennies Worksheet

Find the Correct Amount of Pennies

Count the total number of pennies in each group, and then enter the correct amount in the blank box on the right.

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Counting and Coloring Correct Amount of Pennies Worksheet

Count and Color the Correct Amount of Pennies

Students count the number of pennies in the box and color the appropriate number of pennies.

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Adding Pennies Worksheet

Adding Pennies Worksheet

First-graders must add the number of pennies in each box and write the total in the blank space.

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Subtracting Pennies Worksheet

Subtracting Pennies Worksheet

Students must subtract the number of pennies indicated in each column, then write the correct answer in the blank box.

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Worksheet on Counting Pennies Word Problems

Counting Pennies with Word Problems

Grade 1 students have to solve word problems about counting pennies and put their answers in the blank spaces.

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