10+ Worksheets Sorting Patterns | Free Printable

First-grade students will learn the basics of the sorting pattern system and improve their basic math skills with our free printable worksheets.

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Sorting Patterns by Size Worksheet

Sorting Patterns by Size

Identify the pattern of the objects and sort them by size, placing them in their respective groups.

Worksheet 1

Sorting Patterns by Shape Worksheet

Sorting Patterns by Shape Worksheet

Analyze the shapes and their real-life versions and sort them. Then cut and paste them in the correct group.

Worksheet 1

Sorting Objects by Weight Worksheet

Sorting Objects by Weight

Figure out the objects by weight and sort them into the heavy and light groups correctly.

Worksheet 1

Sorting Objects on Availability Worksheet

Sorting Objects on Availability

Some objects that are available on Earth are given. Identify the objects and sort them according to the given instructions.

Worksheet 1

Sorting Patterns Worksheet

Sorting Patterns Worksheet

Different patterns of objects are given on the worksheets. Find out the pattern of the objects and sort them according to the given instructions.

Worksheet 1

Shapes Identifying Patterns Worksheet

Shapes Identifying Patterns Worksheet

Identify the shapes and patterns. If each group makes a pattern, write “pattern”; otherwise, write “no pattern.”

Worksheet 1

Identifying Patterns Worksheet

Identifying Patterns Worksheet

Identify the objects and patterns. If each group makes a pattern, write “pattern”; otherwise, write “no pattern.”

Worksheet 1

Sorting Patterns and Identifying Foreign Object Worksheet

Sorting Patterns and Identifying the Unique Object

Figure out the shapes and patterns. Then cross out the different shapes.

Worksheet 1

Sorting Patterns and Coloring Objects Worksheet

Sorting Patterns and Coloring Objects

Identify the shapes and patterns. Color the same objects and write their names on the worksheet.

Worksheet 1

Sorting Patterns Based on Shape and Color Worksheet

Sorting Patterns Based on Shape and Color

Determine the shapes, their patterns, and their colors. Then cut them and paste them in the correct place.

Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2

Cut and Paste Game Worksheet for Sorting Patterns

Cut and Paste Activity for Sorting Patterns

Find out the objects and their patterns. Then cut them and paste them in the correct place.

Worksheet 1

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