18 How Many Tens and Ones Worksheet | Free Printables

These worksheets contain activities on calculating how many tens and ones are present in a number. These will assist you in understanding and visualizing the value of numbers as tens and ones. First graders may improve their basic arithmetic skills by practicing our free printable worksheets.

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How Many Tens and Ones Worksheet

Identifying the Number of Tens and Ones 

In these worksheets, determine the number of tens and ones and write the number in each box.

Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2 Worksheet 3

How Many Tens and Ones Worksheet

Counting Tens and Ones Using Blocks

After counting the number of blocks in these worksheets, enter the number of tens and ones in each box.

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How Many Tens and Ones Worksheet

Adding Tens and Ones and Filling Blanks

We have given the number of tens and ones where students will write their total number.

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How Many Tens and Ones Worksheet

Adding Tens and Ones with Cut and Paste Activity

Cut and paste the appropriate number into the blank boxes after adding the tens and ones.

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How Many Tens and Ones Worksheet

Matching the Appropriate Number After Counting Tens and Ones

In these worksheets, students will match the total number of tens and ones using an arrow symbol.

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How Many Tens and Ones Worksheet

Counting Pictures for Finding Tens and Ones

Here, we have given different numbers of objects. Count the objects and fill in the blanks to complete the number of tens and ones.

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This page includes tens and ones worksheets that cover counting, cut-and-paste, matching, and adding different numbers of tens and ones. Downloading our free printable and interactive worksheets will make it easy for first-graders to practice and learn.

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