18 Interactive Shaded and Unshaded Fractions Worksheets

It is crucial to boost mathematical skills by learning fractions. Here, we have provided 18 free downloadable pages for your little kids to practice problems related to shaded and unshaded fractions. These interactive shaded and unshaded fraction worksheets will increase the ability to identify and learn shaded and unshaded fractions.

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Shaded and Unshaded Fractions Worksheets

Identifying Shaded and Unshaded Fractions

Here are some circles depicting fractions with shaded and unshaded sections. Students will identify and write the shaded fraction on the left and the unshaded fraction on the right of each circle.

Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2 Worksheet 3

Shaded and Unshaded Fractions Worksheets

Matching Shaded and Unshaded Fractions

These three worksheets feature circles with shaded and unshaded sections representing fractions on two sides. Students need to identify their complement fractions and draw a line to match them.

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Shaded and Unshaded Fractions Worksheets

Coloring Shaded and Unshaded Fractions

Students will use a colored pencil to shade the unshaded circles that represent the given fractions.

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Shaded and Unshaded Fractions Worksheets

Adding Shaded and Unshaded Fractions

In each of these circles, there are shaded and unshaded sections representing fractions. Students are required to add them together and write the sum in the provided spaces.

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Shaded and Unshaded Fractions Worksheets

Subtracting Shaded and Unshaded Fractions

There are shaded and unshaded sections of circles representing fractions. Students must subtract them and write the result in the given spaces.

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Shaded and Unshaded Fractions Worksheets

Comparing Shaded and Unshaded Fractions

These worksheets contain circles with shaded and unshaded portions. Students will compare them using the symbols >, <, or =. 

Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2 Worksheet 3

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