20+ Subtraction with Pictures Up to 20 Worksheets | Free Printable

These subtraction worksheets with pictures can help students visualize and understand the subtraction system upto the number 20. First-graders will learn and improve their basic counting and subtraction skills with our free printable worksheets.

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Worksheet on Finding Subtraction Result by Crossing out Items

Finding Subtraction Result by Crossing out Items Up to 20

Students will count and write the total number of dots up to 20, and then they have to cross out the numbers of dots as instructed to subtract. Finally, they will find the answer to write.

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Worksheet on Making Subtraction Sentence with Pictures

Making Subtraction Sentence with Pictures Up to 20

Students will count the upper objects and write it on the left-side (minuend) and the lower objects on the right-side (subtrahend). Then, find and write the answer to complete the subtraction sentence.

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Worksheet on Doing Subtraction with Dominos

Doing Subtraction with Dominos Up to 20

Students will count the dots on dominos up to 20 and find the difference between them to write the answer.

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Worksheet on Filling Missing Numbers in Subtraction with Pictures

Filling Missing Numbers in Subtraction

Students will count the objects up to 20 and fill in the missing numbers. Then, they have to write the answer to complete the task.

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Worksheet on Doing Vertical Subtraction with Pictures

Doing Vertical Subtraction Up to 20

Here, students will do vertical subtraction with the help of the given pictures up to 20 and write their answers.

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Worksheet on Space-Themed Subtraction with Pictures

Space-Themed Subtraction with Pictures Up to 20

Students will count the objects up to 20 and properly subtract to fill the boxes.

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Multiple Choice Questions on Subtraction with Pictures up to 20

Multiple Choice Questions on Subtraction

Students will count the total objects and also the crossed-out objects to understand subtraction properly. Then they will tick on the correct subtraction sentence accordingly.

Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2 Worksheet 3

Here, we’ve provided some worksheets on subtracting with pictures up to the number 20. Download our free worksheets, and after practicing these worksheets, students will surely improve their fundamental mathematical skills and learn to count and subtract fluently.

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